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0 credit hours
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Certification candidates will demonstrate the ability to create and manage presentations, insert and format shapes and slides, create slide content, apply transitions and animations and manage multiple presentations. Presentation examples include professional-grade sales presentations, employee training, instructional materials, and kiosk slideshows.
This product includes:
One Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Exam Voucher
MOS CertPREP Practice Tests powered by GMetrix - Single Title
MOS LearnKey Online Course - Single Title
Online Proctor Service with Get Certified America
Delivery method
Earn necessary number of credit hours for completing this content
Microsoft Office Specialist: Microsoft PowerPoint (Microsoft 365 Apps)
Such as Manage Presentations Manage Slides Insert and Format Text, Shapes and Images Insert Tables, Charts, SmartArt, 3D Models, and Media Apply Transitions and Animations
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